Modern Technology and Jewellery Making

Modern Technology and Jewellery Making

These earrings started off as the cockle shell which I picked up on Holkham beach many moons ago and cast in to a silver shell which was the first Norfolk beach shell in that collection.  Over the last year I have been asked many times about cockle shell stud earrings but every tiny shell I have gathered from the beach which would be the 'perfect' size, has been broken by the casting process.  

In the jewellery world, CAD design and 3D printing has become really popular, so I decided to give it a go to make some stud earrings.  The original cockle shell was scanned using the fancy software that is available now and then they were able to rescale the shell so it kept all the beautiful markings that I was so keen to see replicated in earrings.  Whilst it was at this stage, it was also helpful to add a flatter back and even a little guide mark so that I could add the peg for the stud earring in the same place on every earring.  I can sit the solder and the peg in the little dip and every shell comes out evenly soldered.  

The casters were able to print a prototype and cast it in silver so that I could look at it before we went ahead.  I absolutely loved it and so now I am able to make matching earrings and necklace of that first cockle shell!

These computer aided methods of designing jewellery might be very different to the tradition more organic ways of making jewellery, I have tried to find a balance.  The advantages of being able to make the most of the benefits of CAD do enable me to bring to life pieces of jewellery which my hands just might not be able to create.  Once the shells are in my workroom, there is still a some tidying, filing and finishing to be done as well as adding the pegs to make them in to stud earrings.  

I often wear a pair of these earrings and love the memories of the walks along Holkham beach we have had (in every weather!) They are a tangible reminder of those cherished moments or people, they bring me feelings of positivity and also nostalgia for those carefree summer days.  Such pieces of jewellery can spark conversations, allowing me to share my stories and experiences, potentially creating connections with customers who have similar memories or values.  I hope that's how you feel when you are wearing a piece of when you look at some of the jewellery in my collections.  

If you would like to have a closer look at these pieces of jewellery, just click here

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